Professor Adrian Law Is the New Editor of the Journal of Hydro-Environment Research

Professor Adrian Law is the new Editor of the Journal of Hydro-Environment Research.

Professor Adrian Law of Nanyang Technological University has been selected amidst keen competition by a panel consisting of representatives from JHER, IAHR-APD and the Korea Water Resources Association (KWRA). He is an internationally renowned expert in environmental hydraulics and one of the founding associate editors of JHER in 2007 who has continually contributed to the Journal over the years.

Prof. Law received his BEng (Civil) degree from the University of Hong Kong in 1984, and MSc and PhD degree from the University of California at Berkeley in 1985 and 1991, respectively. After graduation, he joined the Bechtel Corporation, USA, as a senior hydraulic engineer. Since 1995, he has been a faculty in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technology University (NTU), Singapore, in the areas of environmental hydraulics and coastal engineering. He is currently an Associate Professor in the School, as well as the Director of the Environmental Process Modelling Centre in the Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute (NEWRI) at NTU. He is also the Singapore’s co-representative to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Hydro-informatics Data Centre under the ASEAN Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation.

He is a past IAHR-APD Executive Committee Member as well as a past Chair of the IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on Marine Outfall Systems and Associate Editor of JAWER, Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research. 

IAHR members benefit from special rates for the JHER published by Elsevier. The journal aims to provide an international platform for the dissemination of research and engineering applications related to water and hydraulic problems in the Asia-Pacific region.

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