150 Applications Received for the Mentoring Programme!


IAHR invited senior scientists as well as mid-career IAHR members with experience in IAHR Committees to serve as mentors at the 40th IAHR World Congress to be held in Vienna, Austria, from 21 to 25 August 2023.

IAHR Congresses provide a great opportunity for networking. Young professionals and new IAHR members can benefit from mentoring to get to know IAHR and its members, be introduced into the IAHR Technical Committees and Working Groups, and to find easier access to this international network of scientists and experts.

The IAHR Technical Committee on Education and Professionals Development is pleased to launch this new mentoring programme at the 40th IAHR World Congress.

The IAHR mentoring program is tailored for young professionals’ members, new IAHR members and first time Congress attendees.

Mentors have committed to meet with their mentees (individually or in a group of up to 5 mentees) at least for one lunch break or two coffee breaks during the first half of the Congress or on the pre-day of the Congress. During this time mentors will be available to answer questions and give career advice, as well as information on IAHR and its Technical Committees and how to join them, etc.

Call for mentors and mentees: Join the IAHR mentoring programme!

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