Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Disruptions: Latest IAHR Updates

The current and unforeseen situation we are all experiencing together due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has disrupted our daily lives and regular activities. IAHR is not an exception, but we continue working to minimize the impact of this crisis on our community. Above all we hope you and your families are safe and healthy. 

The IAHR Executive Committee and the IAHR Secretariat shall continue to monitor the situation closely and are ready and available to support your important work in whichever way we can. We will also regularly review and provide updates through this dedicated web-section.

Priorities under new circumstances

The IAHR Executive Committee (EC), Council and the Secretariat continue to work. 

  • IAHR new 2020-2023 Strategic Plan was recently approved by the Council and will be launched and disseminated very soon. We are moving to implement this vision through targeted operational plans. 

  • This year also marks the 85th Anniversary of IAHR. Through our flagship activities we hope all of us can contribute towards some mark of celebration or sharing of our proud heritage.

  • The preparations for the 39th World Congress in Granada, Spain, in 2021 are continuing full steam ahead.  Information such as key dates, themes and ideas on how we can work closely with the IAHR Technical Committees, Working Groups and Regional Divisions will be communicated shortly.

  • The publication dates of our Journals and HydroLink are not being affected; however, mail deliveries are suffering delays and there are some areas where routes are closed. Members from those areas will receive their copies as soon as mail service is restored.

While some face-to-face activities and events planned for the next few months unfortunately have had to be cancelled or postponed, changing conditions have also given rise to opportunities for adopting innovative approaches. Digital technologies and communications are enabling us to open new horizons and ways of working together. 

  • On the occasion of World Water Day, established by the United Nations to be held on 22 March every year, IAHR organised for the first time an online special event that was live streamed on Saturday 21 March on the topic of Hydro-Environment Engineering and Adaptation to Climate Change. Playbacks are now available. 

Cancellations and postponements

The IAHR community has many activities, conferences and meetings planned in different parts of the world in 2020. Unfortunately, the current context has also obliged the postponement and cancellation of some of them. We regret to inform the following events have been cancelled or postponed until further notice:

ISHS2020: 8th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures

ISHS2020 will not take place on 12-15 May 2020 in Santiago, Chile, as originally planned. The symposium has been cancelled.

ISE2020: 13th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 

ISE2020, which was supposed to be held on 23-29 May 2020 in Lyon, France, has been cancelled. However, contributions to special issues of the recently launched Journal of Ecohydraulics are maintained. The deadline for submissions is May 31. The organizers are also considering arranging a short ISE webinar at a further date.

CoastLab2020: 8th International Conference of Physical Modeling in Coastal Science and Engineering

CoastLab2020, which was expected to be celebrated on 25-29 May 2020 in Zhoushan, China, has been postponed. The new dates will be announced no later than May 1st 2020. The organizing committee has decided to extend the deadlines for abstract/full paper submission for two months. The online submission is open during the extended period. 

6th IAHR Europe Congress: Hydro-environment research and engineering: No frames, no borders

The 6th IAHR Europe Congress, originally planned to be held 30 June-2 July 2020, has been postponed and will now take place in Warsaw, Poland, on 14-17 September 2020. 

25th IAHR International Symposium on Ice

The 25th IAHR International Symposium on Ice originally scheduled on 14-18 June 2020 in Trondheim, Norway has been postponed until the second half of November 2020. Deadlines for paper submission and review will be extended accordingly and announced soon.

Annual General Meeting of IAHR

In accordance with Article 22 of our Constitution, the Annual General Meeting of IAHR is typically held on 30 June every year.  Given the current uncertainty, it will be quite likely that the meeting shall be postponed until a later date. This issue will be clarified shortly.

30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems

The 30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, planned to be held in Lausanne, Switzerland, on 5-10 July 2020 has been postponed. The deadline for final paper submission has been extended to April 30, 2020.

River Flow 2020

River Flow 2020, to be held in Delft, The Netherlands, on 7-10 July 2020, has been cancelled. 

ICUD 2020: International Conference on Urban Drainage 2020

ICUD 2020, to be held from 6-11 September 2020 in Melbourne, Australia, continues as expected but the conference organizers announced they will continue to monitor the situation closing following the advice of the Australian Government health officials and the World Health Organization (WHO).

International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers

The IAHR supported World's Large Rivers Conference, planned to be held in Moscow, on 2-6 August 2020, has been postponed by one year to August 2021.

Flood modelling and forecasting challenges in industry workshop

The ‘Flood modelling and forecasting challenges in industry’ workshop, planned to be held in the University of Sheffield, UK, on 28-29 April 2020 will be targeting similar dates for this event in June 2021.

2nd International Symposium on Water System Operations (ISWSO2020)

The 2nd International Symposium on Water System Operations (ISWSO2020), planned to be held in Bristol, UK, on 2-4 September 2020, continues as expected but the conference organizers announced the Symposium dates may need to be changed, and they asked for some patience and will upload news on the website as soon as additional information becomes available.

PPNW 2020

The PPNW 2020 conference organizer have made the decision to postpone PPNW to the summer of 2021. The conference was planned to be held in Vancouver, Canada, on 15-19 June 2020.

8th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM8)

The ICFM 2020 was planned to be held in The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA, on 17 – 19 August 2020. The ICFM8 Ad-Hoc Committee and the ICFM8 Local Organizing Committee (ICFM8 LOC) have been in constant dialogue to determine the most realistic options to hold the conference “as planned.” They will announce a final decision on the ICFM8 conference delivery mode by May 1, 2020.

IAHR-APD Congress 2020

The 22nd Congress of International Association for Hydro Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) and Asia Pacific Division (APD), planned to be held in Sapporo, Japan, on September 14-17,2020, registration opening is postponed until the end of May. The LOC are now evaluating whether the APD Congress can be held in September or at a future date. Decision will be announced by the end of May.

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