Hydro Adviser LLC
Consulting Engineer
Career Type:
Organization Type:
Companies and Enterprises
Expertise Fields/Interests:
P. K. Doerfler is a mechanical engineer, graduated from Technical University Vienna, Austria. From 1968-1978 R&D engineer developing pressure wave supercharging device Comprex(R) at Baden, Switzerland. From 1978-2013 various jobs with international hydro equipment manufacturer at Zurich, Switzerland; Main activities/interests: laboratory testing, hydraulic transients computation, R&D and troubleshooting for flow-induced vibrations, governor layout and stability. Since 2014 independent consultant, interested in research
Major Achievements:
Thesis on Francis turbine part-load surge (1982, TU Vienna), for English version refer to ResearchGate Main author of well-known textbook about 'Flow-Induced Pulsation and Vibration in Hydroelectric Machinery' (Springer 2013) Several patents concerning transients in hydro plants Many research publications (refer to ResearchGate)