Marcel R.A. van Gentis a specialist in the fieldof coastal engineering, in particular coastalstructures, wave modelling, dikes and dunes. He obtained his PhD at the Delft University ofTechnology in 1995 on the modelling ofreshaping rubble mound coastal structures andgravel beaches. Dr Marcel van Gent is now headof the department ‘Coastal Structures & Waves’at Deltares, Delft. His is leading a group thatconsists of about 35 scientists and assistantsfor performing physical model tests in waveflumes and wave basins, developing numericalwave models, and providing specialistconsultancy services. Since 1991 Marcel vanGent participated in various research projects,including projects for the European Union, forthe Dutch Government, and in co-operation withUniversities, Consultancy firms, andContractors. Dr Marcel van Gent publishedabout 100 international scientific papers oncoastal structures, wave modelling and duneerosion.
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