Lasalle NHC
Liliane completed a Master's at McGill University in Civil Engineering in June 2022 and is now working for Lasalle NHC, an engineering consulting firm, in fluvial and coastal engineering. She studied the erosion properties of cohesive sediments found in Eastern Canada; a topic that combined her interests in earth processes, geology, soil mechanics as well as fluvial hydraulics. Her research aimed to get a better picture of the erosion properties of clays found in a post-glacial environment. She collaborated closely with Dorothy Yeats, who completed her Master's at the same time at McGill University, and studied the erosion properties of cohesive tills. Liliane's research included an extensive sample collection campaign, a thorough soil characterisation program at the soil mechanics lab of Université de Sherbrooke, under the supervision of Prof. Mourad B. Karray, and erosion testing at McGill University, under the supervision of Prof. Susan Gaskin. She is currently working on floodplain risk assessment and wave-driven erosion management in fluvial and coastal environments.
Career Type:
Organization Type:
Companies and Enterprises
Expertise Fields/Interests:
fluvial and coastal engineering
Major Achievements: