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IAHR Water Monograph Series

  • ISSN Online: 2959-7978
  • ISSN Print:
  • ISBN: 978-90-824846-9-4 (electronic), 978-90-832612-0-1 (printed)
  • Publisher: IAHR
  • Editor(s): Damien Violeau
  • Related: Introduction to IAHR Water Monographs

This series presents information on physical processes, measurement techniques, theoretical material, numerical modeling techniques, engineering applications, and historical and cultural matters in an appealing readable and well-illustrated manner. To that end, IAHR Water Monograph Series is OPEN and easily accessible.

ID Title Authors Year
29802 Variational approach to water wave modelling
Didier Clamond; Denys Dutykh; Dimitrios Mitsotakis
29833 Practical Flooding Risk Assessment for Development Projects
Alastair Barnett, James Ball, Fumihiko Imamura, Kwanchai Pakoksung, Anawat Suppasri
28033 Vortex-Flow Intakes
Robert Ettema; David Z. Zhu; Susan J. Gaskin; Sean Mulligan; Troy C. Lyons; Robert M. Boes; Shu Ning Chan; Joseph H. W. Lee
20693 Contribution to the Theory of Undular Bores. A journey around the Korteweg-de Vries equation
Damien Violeau

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