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Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Young Professionals Congress

  • ISSN Online:
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  • ISBN: 978-90-833476-5-3
  • Publisher: IAHR
  • Editor(s): Michael Nones; Jose M Carrillo; Gaetano Crispino; Eva Fenrich; David Ferras; Gonzalo Garcia-Alen; Manish Pandey; Emanuele Quaranta; Ingrid Silva; Arianna Varrani; Quian Yu
  • Related: 4th IAHR Young Professionals Congress

The IAHR Young Professionals Congress started four years ago at a time when in-person events were impossible to organize. This situation triggered the motivation to work on a new congress modality.

One of the main objectives of the Committee on Education and Professional Development was to generate a forum for communication and discussion that would allow young professionals to share their work and receive advice from international experts regardless of their location, lack of financial resources or difficulties in travelling.

Authors and attendees of the 4th IAHR Young Professionals Congress came from all over the world, confirming that this goal was achieved also for this edition.

Throughout the different editions, the event has become a reference among the regular IAHR meetings, being the first IAHR World Congress specific for young professionals to cover all areas of the Association, allowing all young professionals to participate in such an international event, reducing the barriers and distances that separate us.

In this fourth edition of the congress, more than 130 young professionals submitted their extended abstracts as first authors (almost 300 authors in total) and presented their posters during the 3-day congress. The members of the International Scientific Committee did not only review the abstracts, but also mentored the young professionals, sharing expertise, experience and time with the new generations.

ID Title Authors Year
29801 Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Professionals Congress
Multiple authors

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