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Studying Structure to Collect the Floating Waste in Channel and Sewer

Author(s): C. H. Huynh; T. T. Le; P. Ha; C. T. Nguyen; A. T. Phan; D. K. Pham

Linked Author(s): Canh Thai Nguyen

Keywords: Floating waste; Numerical model; Open channel; Sewer

Abstract: Designed structure for collecting the waste-on-the-flow is placed along the channel or in the sewer to trap the floating waste on the flow. The operating principle of this design is usage of the guide vanes or the curved mesh for the purpose of generating circular current to pull the floating wastes before transporting them to the waste dump. The shapes, dimensions of this structure have been designed based on the flow regime simulated the numerical model. From the simulated results, a structural model is set in laboratory to verify the numerical model as well as to evaluate the waste collection efficiency. There are three types of structure, type I is used to collect the waste at 90-degree cut-bank channel, type II is for wastes along the straight channel while type III is used to collect the floating waste in sewer. Experimental results showed that type I could help to collect from 70%-80%, type II from 60%-70%while type III could make it 100%of floating wastes. .


Year: 2014

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