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Topographic Change of the Urban River Mouth by the Flood

Author(s): Kohji Uno; Ayumi Kinoshita; Shuhei Kishimoto

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Keywords: Continuous monitoring; Topographic change; River mouth bar; Flood; Portable GPS

Abstract: In this study, we carried out continuous monitoring and field surveys to grasp the water environment and topographic change at river mouth bar by the flood. Study site was Akashi River mouth, Hyogo Prefecture in JAPAN. Akashi River is one of the typical urban river, the bar and terrace at the river mouth repeat appearance and disappearance. In this study, first, we observed the shape of the bar using a portable GPS and digital camera. Second, we grasped the topographic change by the ground level survey using electronic level equipment and the image analysis for calculation of the mean diameter. Finally, the continuous monitoring at the river mouth and a daily observation before and after the flood were conducted. From these observations, it was clarified the river mouth bar and terrace tends to be formed in the winter and be washed away by the flood in rainy season.


Year: 2014

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