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Water Allocation and Analysis in a River Basin

Author(s): Thi Van Le Khoa; Nguyen Cao Don; Bui Du Duong; Ngo Van Quan

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Keywords: Lgorithm; Linear Programming; Water Allocation; Optimization; Vu Gia–Thu Bon

Abstract: Rivers are being under increasing adverse pressures since human beings become more energetic with doings in accordance with socio-economic development. As a consequence, water allocation mechanism considering both multidisciplinary development and healthy ecosystem plays an essentially important role. This Vu Gia-Thu Bon case study aims to launching water allocation scenarios resulting from application of integrated water resources management (IWRM) as the framework principles and linear programming as the supportive tool. The process is initialized by defining allocable water availability in the basin; the detailed assessment of allocable water availability is critical to ensure the met of demand-supply and to actualize the allocation results. Basin water availability is dramatically depended on different influences temporally and spatially, including hydrological and environmental features. In addition, gauging releases provide data dealing with the total water sources in the basin, dissimilar with the volume of water potentially available for extraction and allocation; allocable water is only acquired after the total basin water sources is reduced by the subtraction of inaccessible water volume and environmental flow. There are many methodologies applied to figure out water availability in the basin; normally, records of gauging stations system and hydrological modeling of rainfall–runoff relationships can be utilized. However, the weakness of gauging data is omission of impacts of interaction between landuse and streamflow as well as surface flow and underground flow, which can be fulfilled by models. Subsequences of the study, regional records of socio-economic progress have been analyzed to identify all water users, corresponding water demands and economic values released by each sector. The target of this Vu Gia–Thu Bon basin case study is to maximize the total economic benefit of water supplied to water users because volume of water supplied to different sectors offers different economic values. The principle of maximum economic yield and environmental flow maintenance are two vital characteristics certifying the success of a particular basin water allocation planning. Currently, there is still controversial conflict regarding the gap between water supply and economic profit in many river basins; some sectors provide high economic efficiency such as power generation, industrial production, etc. have to share their water interest to the others having much lower economic efficiency. Undoubtedly, the irrational water allocation mechanisms waste national natural resources. The follow-up is carried out by building an objective function and relevant constraints; then Microsoft Excel is used to simulate the equations, supporting the solution obtainment process. The objective function of the Vu Gia–Thu Bon case study is defined as function of net-benefit values obtained from volumes of water supplied to water users. System of constraints, ensuring the rationalization of solutions, includes relation between water provided to sectors and water demand; regional legislative regulations; interaction between surface water and groundwater and environmental flow, etc. The outcomes of this study cover the water allocation planning in 2015 of subasins: Upper Vu Gia, Upper Thu Bon, Ly Ly River, Tuy Loan River and Lower Vu Gia-Thu Bon, going with relevant discussions and recommendations. In addition, a theoretical report of water resource allocation process is also published.


Year: 2014

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