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Temperature Variation Due to a Tidal Impounding Reservoir Operation

Author(s): Xiao Li Chen; Yi Jun Zhao; Li Zeng; Ping Ji

Linked Author(s): Xiaoli Chen

Keywords: Tidal gate; Temperature threshold; Surface heat exchange; Stratification; Reservoir

Abstract: The buffer effect of a tidal reservoir on the essential service cooling water temperature in a nuclear power plant is studied. The EFDC model is used to simulate the water level, flow and temperature. Verification by observed data shows the model has reasonable accuracy. Analysis of the results demonstrates that the unidirectional tidal gate abates water level fluctuation in the reservoir. The resulted temperature stratification and mixing process together with the surface thermal exchange suppress variation of the outlet water temperature with the tide. The predicated maximum water temperature peak reduction at the reservoir outlet is 1.4℃in a historical extremely high natural temperature situation. This reduction shows the reservoir operation is helpful for the SEC cooling water temperature to keep below the safe threshold in extremely hot weather period. Highlights: The water level, stratification and outlet temperature are reproduced accurately. The main reason for temperature suppression by the reservoir is studied. The maximum temperature peak reduction is 1.4℃in historical extremely hot situation.


Year: 2012

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