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A Study on Fine Sediment Transport in Tone River Estuary

Author(s): Tadaharu Ishikawaa; Kazuhiko Matsunobub

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: This paper describes fine sediment motion in the Tone River Estuary, Japan, using numerical simulation. A vertical two-dimensional flow model based on the k-eturbulence model was used for stratified flow computation. The model for suspended solids transport contains a new formulation of the suspended solids concentration in the estuary bed, which was deduced from published flume experimental results and field data collected in the estuary. Calculations suggest that fine sediment transported from the river mouth by estuarine circulation predominates in the lower estuary under saline wedge stagnation during the non-flood season. On the other hand, sediment from the upstream watershed may still be dominant in the upper estuary. The result is consistent with published data on the seasonal change in grain size distribution and chemical characteristics of the bed sediment collected in the estuary.


Year: 2012

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