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Effects of Footing and Its Geometry on Flow and Local Scouring Around Spur Dikes

Author(s): Sayed Hashmat Sadat; Tominaga Akihiro

Linked Author(s): Akihiro Tominaga

Keywords: Spur dike; Mobile bed; Local scour; Flow structure; Laboratory experiment

Abstract: Comparative study of bed deformation and flow structure around single porous spur dike with and without footing were conducted, in a movable bed flume. Various dimensions of footing were studied under clear water submerged condition. In the case of spur dike without footing, the scour hole was generated around the spur dike, and the maximum scouring depth occurred at the tip of the spur dike. In the case of spur dike with footing, the scour hole moved toward downstream of spur dike in the main channel. With an increase of the upstream width of footing, the scour hole around the spur dike was diminishing. The results obtained from velocity measurements showed that there is a strong relation between flow, bed, and spur dike. And different velocity fields formed around spur dikes with and without footing.


Year: 2012

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