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Hydraulic Characteristics of Drainage Sub-Channel in Han River

Author(s): D. H. Yoo; G. K. Lee

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Keywords: Drainage sub-channel; Riparian buffer zone; Landforming; EFDC model

Abstract: The riparian buffer zone is an intersection between stream and land. This zone is an important natural biofilter, protecting aquatic environments from sedimentation and polluted surface runoff and erosion. Due to the excessive sedimentation from surface runoff, the landforming concern has been one of critical issues in the riparian zones. Unexpected landforming leads to ecosystem destruction and restoration management troubles in the zones. To solve the problems of landforming issues, the role of drainage sub-channel with a certain width and inclination is investigated. The aim of this study is to investigate efficient construction schemes of drainage subchannels in order to the prevent the riparian zone from landforming using EFDC (Environmental Fluid Computer Code, VIMS, 1992) model at Gwangnaru Area of Han-River in Korea. The direction of current in the riparian zone with sufficient depth is the same as the direction of main stream in flooded season. However, the direction of current in the riparian zone with very shallow depth is aiming to the main stream. Therefore, the degree of sedimentation is strongly influenced by the condition of drainage sub-channel circumstance. In this study, the calibration and verification of constructed model were performed with the variations of width, inclination, distance, and the direction of the drainage sub-channel. the efficient and optimized construction schemes of the drainage sub-channels were founded to be guidedly the modelling results.


Year: 2010

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