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Numerical Investigation of the Reynolds Number Dependence of the Flow Within Model Ponds at Different Geometric Scale Ratios

Author(s): Sher Khan; Bruce W. Melville; Roger Nokes; Asaad Y. Shamseldin; Heide Friedrich

Linked Author(s): Bruce W. Melville, Heide Friedrich

Keywords: Retention ponds; Hydrodynamics; Numerical models; Reynolds Number

Abstract: This paper addresses the numerical investigation of the Reynolds Number dependence of the flow in scale models of stormwater retention ponds. Scale modeling is a method to understand the hydrodynamics of field ponds. However, the basis of the scaling criteria for modeling the ponds hydraulics used in most of the previous research is questionable and hence its reliability is limited. This paper for the first time elucidates the scaling issues focusing on the Reynolds Number dependence and geometric scale ratios. The overall conclusion of this paper is that Froude Number similarity should not be taken as the only key criterion for scaling the hydraulics of retention ponds, but careful consideration should be given also to the geometric scale ratios and/or the Reynolds Number independence.


Year: 2010

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