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Woody Debris and Turbidity Current in the Shihmen Reservoir

Author(s): Fong-Zuo Lee; Jihn-Sung Lai; Shuen-Jong Tsorng; Yih-Chi Tan

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Keywords: Woody debris; Turbidity current; Field observations

Abstract: The Shihmen reservoir is one of the most important reservoirs in the northern Taiwan, which is a multi-functional reservoir for irrigation, water supply, hydroelectric power, flood prevention and recreation. In 2004, the inflow of Typhoon Aere brought large amount woody debris with high sediment-laden flow into the Shihmen reservoir. Massive woody debris is been carried into the hydroelectric power intake to damage turbine seriously. Sediment concentration of the inflow water in Typhoon Aere rose up to 326,700 mg/L which was farexceeded water treatment capacity. Such high turbid concentration caused water shortage for two weeks in the Taoyuan area where 2.4 million people live. Afterword, floating barriers had been built at upstream to trap woody debris. However, the flow-sediment interaction mechanism between turbidity current and woody debris motion has not yet been well understand. From field observations, we can learn more details between woody debris and turbidity current in the Shihmen reservoir.


Year: 2010

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