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Collapse of Trees Induced by Gust Disaster at the Arakawa River on Feb 2008

Author(s): Yasumasa Yamada; Hisao Nagabayashi

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Keywords: Gust wind disaster; Tree and woods; Toppling; Breaking; Drag force

Abstract: Recently in Japan, many occurrences of the strong wind and unexpected localized torrential rain are seen. Disaster increasing such as the tree, forests, and fruit trees will be expected in the future. However, the drag of the tree that has a complex tree structure is late for evaluation, and it is in the region of experienced forecast for evaluation and measures of the hydrodynamic force on tree collapse. In this study, to evaluate the hydrodynamic force in striking of the collapse of the tree and the forest under the strong wind, we surveyed the field where damage had been actually received by the strong wind. And, to evaluate the toppling force and the breaking force of the tree, we conducted the toppling test and the bending test using the struck trees by this strong wind. As a result from these tests, the judgment of toppling or breaking of struck trees became possible.


Year: 2010

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