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Volumetric Water Flow Measurement System

Author(s): Mohammad Riahi; Homayoon Sabbaghzadeh; Rouhallah Benvari; Maziar Ahamadi Zeidabadi

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Keywords: Volumetric flow measurement; Water Delivery; Irrigation Network

Abstract: Taking in view the world wide water scarcity in the last decade that as a consequence has left 26countries having a combined population of over 300 million people with water deficits and will extend to 66 countries covering a third of the global population by 2050 according to the scientific predictions; and by considering the present population growth rate and the investments made in water related infrastructure, the world is expected to enter into a yet more severe condition. The water conveying distribution and consumption management could be categorized into two micro and macro levels according to the management science point of view. It should be pointed out the at the micro level the localized parameters concerning the conveying distribution and consumption in the different agricultural, industrial household and public sectors (concern being put on the agricultural section) is dealt with in order to control the water utilization in a centrally administered mode while at the macro level of the plan a comprehensive and integrated data network would demonstrate the country wide status in the national data center interconnected with the readings obtained from the accumulation of the different production, distribution and consumption measurement systems presenting the different data concerning the volume of water consumption from the different irrigation networks in first grade, second grade, third grade and other canals. Considering the lack of accuracy in measuring the water delivered to the agricultural and industrial sectors and the absence of interlinked and automatic measurements that are vital in implementing the proceedings of"The Optimized Water Use Memorandums"put into force by the water authorities of The Islamic Republic of Iran, for optimizing and regulating the cropping patterns and water use in the different agricultural regions and calculating the water use efficiency as a national document, the need for applying advanced instruments having modern technology is felt as a basic requirement in this section. Therefore a volumetric delivery system functioning in an automatic and simultaneous mode (i.e. online) would provide the data of the volumetric flow of the canals to the users and managers of the irrigation and drainage networks.


Year: 2010

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