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Stability Analysis on the Self-Adjustment of River Width

Author(s): Yasuharu Watanabe; Takahiko Masumoto; Hiroshi Hayakawa; Yasuyuki Hirai

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Keywords: Channelization; River width; Discharge; Bed forms; Weakly nonlinear analysis

Abstract: The relationship between river width and discharge is expressed by the rational regime theory. Several research projects have established theories relating to stable channel crosssections of in straight gravel rivers; Yamamoto (1994), for example, showed the response of artificially expanded river width. However, these theories cannot explain the formation of distributaries at in alluvial fans and near river mouths. In this paper, the formation of distributaries is considered based on the stability of transverse river-bed forms, and the stability analysis used for the bar formation process is applied to the phenomenon. The results of this theory demonstrate the validity of the rational regime theory.


Year: 2010

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