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Modeling of Sediment Transport and Morphologic Changes in Alluvial Channels

Author(s): Minh Duc Bui; Peter Rutschmann

Linked Author(s): Peter Rutschmann

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The features of a 3D numerical model for calculating flow and sediment transport in alluvial channels is presented. The flow is calculated by solving the full Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with the k-ε turbulence model. Suspended-load transport is simulated through the general convection-diffusion equation with an empirical settling velocity term and the exchange of suspended sediment and bed load at the lower boundary of the suspended sediment layer. Bed-load transport is simulated with a nonequilibrium model and the bed deformation is obtained from an overall mass-balance equation. In order to account for the grain-sorting effects of graded sediments, the size-fraction method is used. The governing equations are solved numerically with a finite-volume method on an adaptive, on staggered grid. The model is tested and validated for different flow situations. In all cases, the agreement with measurements is fairly good.


Year: 2010

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