Author(s): Mahdi Razaz; Kiyoshi Kawanishi; Mahmoud F. Maghrebi
Linked Author(s): Kiyoshi Kawanishi
Keywords: Coustic Doppler Effect; Estuaries; Tidal currents; Turbulence; Stratified flow; M-Ymodel; Power spectrum
Abstract: Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) and Velocimeters (ADV) are increasingly used for velocity and discharge measurements in estuarine environments. A point at the center of the ōta Floodway, 2.8 km far from mouth, was selected to deploy an ADV and HRCP during 25 hours of Jan. 2009. Obtained data were despiked and analyzed. The paper first reviews turbulence parameters calculated using High-Resolution ADCP (HRCP) data. Next, TKE production and dissipation rates are estimated from 1D spectra of vertical component of velocity and using Kolmogorv’s-5/3 power law. Stability function and constant B 1 in the M-Y model is redefined and compared with previous studies. Finally, the HRCP results are compared to the ADVs in 3 reference levels: 0.03,0. 4,0. 8 m far from the bed. Additionally, the power spectra of the vertical velocity component and turbulence energy obtained from the two instruments data are evaluated to clarify abilities and disabilities of the HRCP against ADV.
Year: 2010