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Settling Velocity Distribution in Urban Stormwater Runoff

Author(s): Eric Hettler; John S. Gullive

Linked Author(s): John S. Gulliver

Keywords: Elutriation; Settling velocity; Particle size distribution; Settling velocity distribution; Urban runoff; Stormwater runoff

Abstract: There is a need for simple, effective methods to characterize the settling velocity distribution in urban stormwater runoff. Since many best management practices depend on settling velocity, a better understanding of the settling velocity distribution can lead to more efficient and more site-specific designs. An elutriation device is modified and tested to determine its effectiveness in measuring the settling velocity distribution of solids in stormwater. In the elutriation device, stormwater is pumped vertically through a series of columns with known diameters, and the upward velocity can be calculated for a given flow rate. Solids with a settling velocity greater than the upward velocity settle in the column while solids with a smaller settling velocity are flushed through to the next column. Initial experiments show the elutriation device can be effective in separating solids based on settling velocities. Once a cheap, simple, and effective method to characterize settling velocity distribution is developed, it is hoped that practitioners will be able to apply the elutriation method in the field.


Year: 2010

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