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Stormwater Management Implementation in Australia, New Zealand and the United States

Author(s): Earl Shaver

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Keywords: Organization; Finances; Water quality standards; Low impact design

Abstract: Implementation of stormwater management programmes and practices in these three environmentally conscious countries provides an interesting contrast in approaches. Looking at legal authority and regulatory requirements is only one element of the overall consideration and may not give a good picture of the level and effectiveness of implementation. Recognising this, the following elements are discussed in greater detail: ? National level requirements, ? State or regional requirements, ? Local requirements, ? Organisational structure? Financial frameworks, ? Purpose of the programmes, ? Use of water quality standards, contaminants of concern and monitoring, ? Design approaches (hydrology/water quality)? Low impact design, water sensitive urban design priority, ? Erosion and sediment control, and All of these elements are discussed to give a better understanding of strengths and weaknesses of the various approaches and how a hybrid of the three may be an optimal approach. Final thoughts are provided based on almost 40 years of experience in the field on the evolutionary progress being made.


Year: 2010

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