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Wave Force Calculations Due to Wave Run-up on Buildings: A Comparison of Formulas Applied in a Real Case

Author(s): F. G. Brehin; N. Zimmermann; V. Gruwez; A. Bolle

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Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: This paper presents the application of several empirical formulas for horizontal wave force calculations due to broken and/or overtopping waves for a series of beach profiles in North West France and illustrates the results of wave run-up, horizontal forces (F h) and the limitations of the technique. The choice of the formulas from the literature review included the following: Goda-Takahashi, Camfield, Pedersen (USACE, 2006), Chen (Chen, 2012 and 2015), and a theoretical formula based on Eur Otop (Pullen et al., 2007). Each formula is characterised by a particular application range, asymptotic behavior and specific input parameters which are discussed in detail in the paper. Overall, results were characterized by large spatial variability with horizontal wave forces ranging from 0 to100 k N/m, and the decrease of the force with distance from the crest. The greatest forces matched the areas characterized by the largest wave overtopping volumes. Chen (2015) and Eur Otop were applicable for most of the profiles, and provided results within the range of average forces and intersected each other. Wave force calculations based on the Eur Otop formula gave reasonable force estimates, in the sense that despite their theoretical character they matched with the empirical formula results of Chen (2012 and 2015) and were situated in the average of all formulas.


Year: 2016

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