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An Overview of the Wecwakes Project: Physical Modeling of an Array of 25 Wave Energy Converters

Author(s): Peter Troch; Vasiliki Stratigaki; Tim Stallard; David Forehand; Matt Folley; Jens Peter Kofoed; Michel Benoit; Aurelien Babarit; Marc Vantorre; Jens Kirkegaard

Linked Author(s): Peter Troch

Keywords: Keywords: Wave Energy Converters; WEC arrays/farms/parks; DHI Shallow Water Wave Basin; WECwakes project; HYDRALAB IV EU FP7 Programme

Abstract: Experiments have been performed in the DHI Shallow Water Wave Basin (Denmark), on large arrays of up to 25 heaving point absorber Wave Energy Converters (WECs), for a range of geometric layout configurations and wave conditions. WEC response, surge forces on the WECs and modification of the wave field are measured to provide data for the understanding of WEC array interactions/effects. Wave conditions studied, include regular, polychromatic, long-and short-crested irregular waves. The experimental arrangement and the obtained database are presented. For irregular long-crested waves, up to 18. 1% attenuation of significant wave height is observed downwave a rectilinear array of 25 heaving WECs.


Year: 2014

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