Author(s): A. Akter; G. Pender; G. Wright; M. Crapper
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: Sand filled geotextile bag ( “geobag” ) revetments are commonly used for riverbank protection schemes i Bangladesh and other countries around the world. The method is effective however the failure modes are no well understood. To address this, the hydrodynamic forces associated with bag failure need to be bette understood. The research reported here addresses this through: (a) Physical modelling using 1: 10 scale mode geobag revetment, and (b) Conveyance Estimation System (CES) modelling, to estimate hydraulic forces on geobag revetment. In the physical modelling, the velocities associated with the failure of geobag revetments hav been measured. The comparison between the experimental data and the CES data indicates that the CES mode can predict model velocities with reasonably accuracy. This validated CES model can then be used to estimat shear stress. In the next stage not reported here, the CES predicted velocities will be used to prepare the mappe velocity field for the Discrete Element Model (DEM) analysis. It is envisaged, that the validated DEM mode will provide more details on failure modes, and hence will be used as the basis for the development of a practica design guide for the use of geobags as riverbank protection structures.
Year: 2010