Author(s): Heinrich Webler
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: The Zollhafen in Mainz is one of the largest container ports on the Upper Rhine. The Stadtwerke Mainz (SWM-the municipal utility company) has planned the development of a new “City on the River” quarter for 2, 500 inhabitants and 4, 000permanent jobs. This presentation introduces the “Project Developer’s Guide” (PDG) for the Zollhafen development. This framework will enable developers to create a truly flood-resilient development. It also explains the obligations that have to be fulfilled in order to build and the potential for innovative construction in a flood-prone area. The presentation also introduces the Flood Risk Management Guide (FRMG); a brochure for the people who will live or work in the new Zollhafen quarter. It answers10 central questions about the flood risk and its management. The FRMG closely follows the requirements of the EU Floods Directive, 2007. Together, the PDG&FRMG provide AWARENESS of the flood risk; how ALLEVIATION and AVOIDANCE may be factored into its development and of the ASSISTANCE which will be provided by the City of Mainz for both the inhabitants and the facility operators.
Year: 2010