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Hydraulic Transients as a Monitoring Device

Author(s): Lennart Jonsson

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Keywords: Pipeline; Hydraulic transient; Leak; Air pocket; Location; Monitoring

Abstract: Hydraulic transients occur at rapid flow changes in pressurized water conveying pipelines. Normally such transients (waterhammer) are considered to be a problem as they might damage the pipeline due to strong pressure peaks, subatmospheric pressures or fatigue. However, normally occurring hydraulic transients have also a potential to be utilized in an advantegeous manner. The idea is that transients could be looked upon as a" probe" that propagates through a pipeline and at the same time being affected by certain conditions of the pipeline. Measurement and subsequent analysis of transients might thus provide information on some aspects of the hydraulic status of a pipeline. This paper discusses the analysis of measured transients in order to extract information on hydraulic conditions of pipelines. This is done by means of two specific measurements on pipelines concerning existence and location of a local gas pocket and a leak respectively.


Year: 1999

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