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Influence of a Gap on Flow Around Horizontal Cylinder

Author(s): Zdenek Chara; Pavel Vlasak; Jaroslav Pollert Jun.

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Keywords: LDA measurements; Numerical simulation; Open channel; Flow aroundcylinder

Abstract: The paper presents results of an experimental investigation of an open channel flow around horizontal circular cylinder placed at different positions above smooth bed for cylinder Reynolds numbers in the range 2. 103-104. The main attention was paid to the detail investigation of velocity distribution along a vertical going through the center of the cylinder. The experiments were conducted for two flow regimesshallow flow (when the cylinder behaves like a weir) and backwater flow (when the water surface is practically unaffected by the presence of the cylinder). Based on measured velocity profiles the ratios of mean and maximal velocities through the gaps to the velocities over the cylinder were determined as well as the shear velocities on the channel bed. The computational software Fluent was used to simulate both types of flow over the cylinder and the results were compared with the experimental results.


Year: 1999

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