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Mathematical and Engineering Modelling of the Surface Sea Phytodampers

Author(s): Ventzeslav A. Dzhupanov; Jordan G. Marinski

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Abstract: In the last pair of decades in Bulgaria on small portions a lot of money have been spent to stabilize the multitude of slopes and landslides along the Black Sea coast, along the Danube riverbank, or over the entire territory of Bulgaria. Independently of the special cares the spending of this mountain of money did not provide essential results. This became boldly seen in the light of the political and economical changes in Bulgaria started in 1989, and especially due to the cruel economical crisis. Up to the authors, the main causes are in the absence of suitable regulations concerning the new forms of land property and the corresponding rules of buildings construction; bad climatic conditions in the last 7 years; non-systematic academical investigations, etc. That is why, after the several spring landslides, destroying exclusively large zones along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, some activation of the attempts to be applied new and methodically organized efforts to stop these disaster phenomena. The high analytical and engineering beginnings in the solution of the aforementioned problems are unified by the original idea to use the sea kelps to increase the natural density of the sea water. The fact that the foliage and the stalks of the kelps possess great specific surface generating additional friction shear stresses in the mixture water+kelps is essentially used. Obviously this will damp the stormy sea waves protecting the offshore engineering structures and the coastal slops from the periodical powerful and harmful trembling. Some ecological aspects generated by the kelp presence in the sea water are considered. The paper is planned as a short version (a shortened text part) of a motivation of a future project on the multitude of problems connected with the long term stability of the sea coasts.


Year: 1999

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