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An Integrated System for the Supervision and Management of the Stream Network of Greater Athens Area

Author(s): N. Labropoulos; M. Saros; T. Tsialas; V. K. Tsoukala

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Keywords: Stream network; Management; GIS; Hydraulic models; Hydrologic models

Abstract: In the present paper an integrated system for supervision and management of the stream network of greater Athens area (Attiki) is presented. In 1995, the Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (EYDAP) focusing in this serious problem of flood protection of Attiki decided, to create a detailed inventory of the stream network. The study is carried out by a Corporation of Consultants Engineers and it was completed in the summer of1998. The aim of this study was to develop a supervising and managing system for water streams, which represents the actual condition of the hydrological network, estimates its hydrologic and qualitative characteristics, follows its evolution and finally manages the unexpected (e. g. flood) situations in realistic time limits. The recording of streams in Attiki, was structured on a pioneering system of geographical data, so that when it will be in use, the stream network will provide fast and easy access to the users. For the integration of the system Hydrological, HEC-1, and Hydraulic, HEC-2, models were used in an interactive way successively for the first time in Greece in conjunction with a Geographical Information System (GIS). The study of the stream network was organized in seven hydrologic and morphologic units which consists the seven hydrologic compartments. These hydrologic compartments compose independent elements. Every compartment was divided in watersheds and every watershed is divided into sub-basins to incrase the accuracy in the sub-basin simulation. Attiki was distinguished in 160 watersheds The flood disharge was estimated for different returned time periods (10 20 and 50 years) in a total of 277critical junctions all over the stream network. The integrated approach of the subject, demanded the creation of a general file of descriptive and spatial information. The aim was the creation of a geographic data base, in which the data coded and following a well defined hierarchy, from which the automatic extraction of specific hydrological, geological, geographical-administrative information for the whole hydrographic network of the area of jurisdiction of EYDAP, would be possible. The systematization of the recording, in order to acquire a total and complete view of the hydrographic network, required time and a combination of many methods, which always resulted in an autopsy of the field.


Year: 1999

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