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Real-Time Operation of River Reservoirs: Methodology and Experiences

Author(s): Thomas Ackermann; Daniel P. Loucks; Michael Detering; Jurgen Kongeter; Thomas Ackermann

Linked Author(s): Thomas Ackermann, Jürgen Köngeter, Daniel Peter Loucks

Keywords: Navigation; Hydropower; Energy; Implementation; Experience; Optimalcontrol; Optimization; Water resources system; Hydraulics

Abstract: This paper describes an optimal control algorithm for the real-time control of run-ofriver power plants. The algorithm is based on nonlinear optimization linked to flow simulation. For the latter a one-dimensional simulation model was developed. It solves the St. Venant equations using a finite-element solution method. The control model has been implemented successfully by the German energy company RWE Energie AG to a section of the Mosel River. It is used to control water elevations and discharges regarding objectives established for navigation and hydropower. The paper discusses experiences that were gained by the authors while implementing and calibrating the control program at a control station. It relates to specific issues of its acceptance by the operating personnel. Furthermore, it demonstrates the necessity to involve personalities in the process of implementation who have the power and authority to provide necessary data and essential equipment.


Year: 1999

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