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A Multiphase Model of Oil Spill Dynamics

Author(s): Pavlo Tkalich; Kamrul Huda; Karina Gin

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Keywords: Oil Spills; Multiphase Model; Fate and Transport; Singapore Straits

Abstract: A three-dimensional multiphase numerical model for oil spills is developed to simulate consequences of potential accidental oil releases in the Singapore Straits. The model takes into account various physical phenomena such as: surface spreading and drifting; emulsification, dissolution and particulation; advection and turbulent diffusion; adsorption-desorption and sinking; loses due to volatilization, hydrolysis, photolysis, oxidation and biodegradation. Six state variables are modeled, namely: oil slick thickness at the water surface; dissolved, emulsified and particulate oil concentrations in the water column; dissolved and particulate oil concentrations in bottom sediments. The model is used to predict the fate and transport of accidental oil spills in tropical marine ecosystems.


Year: 1999

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