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Improvements in Field Data Collection and Measurements of Debris Flows Characteristics

Author(s): M. Arattano; A. M. Deganutti; L. Marchi

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Keywords: Debris flow; Monitoring; Alpine basins; Flow velocity

Abstract: This paper presents some improvements of the techniques and tools usually employed for monitoring debris flows. These improvements have been obtained through a series of field tests performed in a torrent of the Eastern Italian Alps. In1989 a first monitoring system consisting of two ultrasonic sensors and a raingauge was installed in this torrent and monitoring activities were carried out for some years. In 1995 the monitoring devices were increased with the installation of a third ultrasonic sensor, a fixed video camera and four seismic detectors. This instrumentation has revealed useful for the monitoring of debris flows and for providing information on their behaviour. New methods have been developed for processing the data obtained through the seismic devices and the video camera to obtain velocity measurement of the recorded debris flows.


Year: 1999

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