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Study on the Mayuyama Tsunami Disaster in 1792

Author(s): Masanori Michiue; Osamu Hinokidani; Kuniaki Miyamoto

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Keywords: Huge sediment disaster; Huge waves; Landslide; Mayuyama disaster

Abstract: In this study, a huge sediment disaster due to the landslide was discussed. In order to prevent this kind of disaster, the prediction of time, position and scale of the landslide are necessary. In addition to this, it is also important to carefully consider safety factors for giant waves generated by inflow sediment in a dam reservoir, lake and sea such as the Vaiont and the Mayuyama disasters. A numerical simulation model has been developed in this study to reproduce both landslide process and huge waves which occurred during the Mayuyama disaster in 1792.


Year: 1999

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