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Design and Testing of Two-Phase Mixing Devices for Water Aeration

Author(s): O. Luca; R. M. Damian; V. Petrescu; B. Luca; A. Damian

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Keywords: Water; Ozonisation; Dispersion; Two-phase mixing devices

Abstract: agent, and thus an ideal disinfectant for air, water and food. Although these properties of the ozone have been known since a very long time, its use at industrial scale in waste water treatment plants, for drinking water treatment and for air disinfecting in hospitals and crowded closed areas became a largely used technical solution as late as in the 50’s. Laboratory and field experimental research carried out have shown that water ozonisation may be the optimal solution for waste water treatment as well as for obtaining high quality drinking water. The efficiency of ozonisation is a function of the performance of ozone dispersion devices in the body of water. water, together of the results of its testing in the Hydraulics Laboratory of the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest. The working principle of the device is that of a actuating fluid pump (ejector). The device was designed and realised by RAAL Bistrita in two alternatives, namely with three ejectors and with six ejectors, respectively.


Year: 1999

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