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Mathematical Modelling of Physical Processes in Malaysian Mangrove Estuary

Author(s): K. Nakatsuji; W. K. Gong; J. E. Ong

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Keywords: Mangrove estuary; Creek and swamp system; Tidal flow; Density change; Mixing; Transport processes; Mathematical modelling; Field survey

Abstract: The field surveys in Malaysian mangrove estuaries conducted by Universiti Sains Malaysia have provided some interesting features peculiar to a mangrove estuary system; that is, the asymmetric variation of tidal flow observed in the estuarine mouth, stratification and vertical mixing. They depend on tidal amplitude, rainfall, inundation and entrapping in swamps. In order to simulate such physical phenomena, a set of new mathematical model have been developed to tidal flow and salt intrusion in creeks as well as inundation in swamps. The proposed model is composed of a three dimensional baroclinic flow model for creeks and a two-dimensional depth-integrated model for swamps. Based on computed results, the hydrodynamic features in mangrove-fringed estuaries are examined.


Year: 1999

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