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Role of Convective Circulation in Coupling Primary Production and Benthic Processes in a Brackish Lake Dominated by Suspension-Feeding Bivalves

Author(s): Y. Nakamura; F. Kerciku; T. Inoue; Y. Ishitobi; M. Yamamuro

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Keywords: Suspension-feeding bivalve; Phytoplankton; Benthic-pelagic coupling; Eutrophication; Nocturnal mixing; Convective circulation

Abstract: feeding bivalves. Due to their high grazing pressure, chl. a concentration in the littoral region is much lower than that in the pelagic region. A continuous field survey reviled that water temperature and chl. a concentration in the littoral water had similar diel variations: A water mass with reduced chl. a concentration and lower temperature developed during nighttime and intruded toward offshore region along the bottom slope. Estimated filtration rate of bivalves which was calculated from the decreasing rate of chl. a was well coincident with literature values. These facts suggest that active nocturnal convection enhances a possibility for bivalves to capture phytoplankton and that the convective circulation is responsible for exchanging littoral and pelagic waters under calm weather conditions.


Year: 1999

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