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Multi-Reservoir System Management for Sedimentation Control

Author(s): John W. Nicklow; Larry W. Mays

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Keywords: Optimal Control; Applied Optimization; Successive Approximation Linear Quadratic Regulator; Reservoir Management; Sediment Transport

Abstract: Rivers and reservoirs frequently adjust their geometry and conveyance patterns through natural processes of sediment aggradation and degradation. Excess sedimentation, however, reduces reservoir storage capacity and can lead to damage of in-stream structures and floodplain property. As a result, control of sedimentation is important in the sustainable, long-term use of these water resources. This research describes a new methodology for determining optimal multi-reservoir release policies that minimize scour and deposition in river-reservoir systems. The problem is formulated as a discrete-time optimal control problem in which solutions are obtained with a successive approximation linear quadratic regulator (SALQR) optimization algorithm coupled with a sediment transport simulation model. The simulation module is used to evaluate flow hydraulics and sediment transport dynamics, while the optimization component updates deterministic operational policies and solves the augmented control problem. System operating constraints imposed on the stagewise reservoir releases and storage levels are incorporated into the optimal control problem using a penalty function method. Capabilities of the new methodology and resulting computational model are demonstrated through application to the Yazoo River multi-reservoir network in Mississippi.


Year: 1999

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