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Prediction of Geometric Characteristics of Alternate Bars

Author(s): Hiroshi Takebayashi; Shinji Egashira; Mikio Kuroki

Linked Author(s): Hiroshi Takebayashi

Keywords: Lternate bar; Analytical method; Numerical method; Geometric characteristics

Abstract: We have tested the suitability of analytical and numerical methods for calculating the geometric characteristics of alternate bars formed between rigid vertical walls in a straight channel. The wave height obtained by an analytical method is higher than that obtained by the numerical method because of higher wave number components in the simulated flow. It is found that the secondary flow, which is estimated in the numerical method from the streamline curvature, affects the wave height very much. The wavelength of alternate bars produced by a bed disturbance at the upstream end of the computational domain is found to be close to the wavelength obtained by a linear analysis.


Year: 1999

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