Author(s): Yoichi Takeuchi; Kyozo Suga
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Keywords: Cost benefit ratio; Staged construction execution; Flood control; Sedimentation; Sabo; Chama River; Venezuel
Abstract: This paper deals with an economic analysis method and staged construction executing system on the Chama River Basin Conservation Project. The Chama river is one of the biggest rivers that flow into the Maracaibo lake in the northwest of Venezuela. It has a 200 km long main channel and 3, 520 km2 catchment area up El Vijia city. The initial project evaluation was studied by JICA in 1990 on the cost benefit ratio calculated as a total figure combined with each objective works and on the staged construction executing scheduled at the same time of each objective works. In this paper, another evaluation was proposed that cost benefit ratio should be calculated as a separate figure on each objective works and the most effective objective works should be started as the top priority works.
Year: 1999