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The Effect of Floodway Width on the Conveyance Capacity in a Scale Model of the Series B

Author(s): C. A. M. E. Wilson

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Keywords: Compound channels; Physical modelling; Meandering; Floodway width; Berm roughness; FCF Series B

Abstract: This paper initially presents some of the results from of an experimental programme carried out in a 1/6 scale model of the EPSRC FCF Series B channel. It is concerned with the effect of floodway width and berm roughness on the channel’s conveyance capacity and the contribution to the overall channel’s conveyance of the zonal region outside the meander belt width. In the zone immediately outside the meander belt width, the addition of rough berm decreases the channel’s conveyance whereas if smooth berm is added, the proportional increase in discharge capcaity exceeds the proportional increase in flow area. The variation in the degree of main channel/floodplain cross-boundary flow interaction energy loss relative to boundary friction losses are examined for varying floodway widths with a smooth berm. These results are compared against the Series B experimental results. At both scales as the floodway width is increased the degree of energy losses due to main channel/floodplain cross-boundary flow interaction relative to boundary friction increases.


Year: 1999

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