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Numerical Modelling of Long Term Effects of Rehabilitation Measures on Bedload Transport

Author(s): Alfred J. Otto

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Keywords: Bedload transport; Calibration of morphological models; Sediment feeding; Riverbed widening; Long term morpholocigal effects

Abstract: In the frame of corrections adjustments, the width of the river Salzach was significantly reduced. The resulting increase of bottom shear stress, together with the lack of bed-load-input upstream reinforced a continual erosion process on the whole reach. The remaining layer of gravel decreased partly to a value of 1 metre. To overcome this critical state some measures like sediment feeding, widening the river, construction of ramps and power plants were planed and investigated. The effect of these measures on bedload transport are estimated using the 1dmorphological model SEDICOUP. To include all important features of flooding, the model was adjusted based on the results of the 2d-hydraulic model FLOODSIM.


Year: 1999

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