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Optimal Predictive Flood Control for River-Reservoir Operation System

Author(s): Kyu-Cheoul Shim; Soon-Bo Shim

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Keywords: Predictive Flood Control; Multireservoir Operation; Dynamic programming; Hydrologic Routing Method; Decision Support System; Han River Basin

Abstract: During the real-time flood events, the operation of water surface system is very important and crucial to minimize the impacts of flood. The predictive reservoir operation method (PROM) provides optimal real-time operation of flood control systems with incorporation of current and forecasted storm events. PROM utilizes a dynamic programming with successive algorithm, interacting with hydrologic routing method. The algorithm generates predictive control policies and system-wide feedback control under various hydrologic conditions. The developed methodology was embedded in PC-based decision support system (DSS) to evaluate alternatives up to desired convergence criteria. PROM is applied to Han River-Reservoir flood control project, which has 9 reservoir systems, as a case study. The results of case study for’1995 flood event in the Han River Basin have provided that the developed methodology and computer based DSS can operate water surface system to minimize flood impacts at the downstream while maintaining water for next hydrologic period water use during the real-time flood events.


Year: 1999

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