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The Simulation of Distributed Free Gas in Liquids Using Verwey-Yu Scheme

Author(s): Sameh Mansour

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Abstract: Describing fluid transients in which free air is present has attracted a lot of research effort in the last two decades. The numerical modeling of these flows poses special problems due to numerical dispersion and attenuation. The available methods are the method of characteristics using several kinds of interpolations, implicit methods and discrete methods. In 1993 a numerical scheme was suggested by A. Verwey and J. H. Yu. This scheme was tested to be applicable in water hammer and cavitation as well as fluid-structure interaction simulations. This scheme has the distinct advantage of being stable over wide range of courant applications. It is intended in this paper to use this scheme in the simulation of transients in liquids with free gas. The inherent appeal of this scheme is that it will be possible to carry out the simulation even when the existence of free gas in the liquid leads to reducing the wave propagation velocity, benefitting from the numerical stability of the scheme. In this way it would be possible to avoid interpolation, which introduces numerical damping. Special attention has to be paid to the numerical procedure in order to reach a stable application of this technique. The results show good accordance with those produced by delft hydraulic which were used as a benchmark in order to assess the applicability of the Yerwey-Yu scheme in this type of simulation.


Year: 1999

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