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A Review of Conjunctive Use and a Proposed Model

Author(s): B. N. Randell

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Keywords: Conjunctive use; Artificial recharge; Ground Water; Increased yield; Computer model

Abstract: Many regions in Southern Africa have water shortage problems. Due to the financial constraints of the region, adding new water supply structures is virtually impossible. Populations dependent on these water sources are rapidly expanding, putting greater pressure on an already overstressed system. Conjunctive use schemes can increase the safe yield of such water supply systems, supplying additional water at a lower cost, than if a whole new water supply system was constructed. Provided suitable aquifers are located, groundwater reserves can be recharged and used to supplement surface water resources. A model that simulates a general conjunctive use scheme, utilising groundwater and artificial recharge is currently being developed and will apply to any general conjunctive use project that utilises surface water as the major water source, with groundwater to supplement it.


Year: 1999

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