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Integrated Model for River Embankment Failure Due to Overtopping

Author(s): Hajime Nakagawa; Hideaki Mizutani; Toshiaki Yoden; Kenji Kawaike; Hao Zhang

Linked Author(s): Hajime Nakagawa, Kenji Kawaike

Keywords: Embankment; Erosion due to overtopping flow; Seepage flow; Unsaturated soil

Abstract: A numerical model which can compute the erosion of river embankment by flow overtopping considering the effects of shear strength due to suction on an unsaturated sediment bed had already been developed in our previous research. This study conducted the verification of infiltration process and erosion process of the developed numerical model using some hydraulic model experiments. The numerical results of temporal variation of embankment surface erosion and moisture movement in the embankment were agreeable with the results of experiments, and the importance of considering infiltration effects on the calculation of erosion rate were indicated in this study.


Year: 2013

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