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Effect of Mooring Lines on the Motion of the Immerged Tunnel Element

Author(s): Yongxue Wang; Can Yang; Weiguang Zuo; Bing Ren; Guoyu Wang

Linked Author(s): Yongxue Wang, Guoyu Wang, Bing Ren

Keywords: Immerged tunnel element; Motion response; Mooring line; Time-domain; Numerical model

Abstract: In the paper, the time-domain motion responses of the tunnel element with both suspension cables and mooring lines in the immersion are studied by numerical model. Based on the time-domain Green function that satisfies the free water surface condition in the finite water depth, the integral equation for potential function is established and solved by the boundary element method. And the components of the wave force and moment are obtained. The suspension cable tensions are modeled by Wilson formula according to the deformation of the suspension cable. The mooring line tension equation is established according to the force balance principle and solved on the basis of the lumped-mass method. The time-domain motion equations of immerged tunnel element are solved by the fourth order Runge-Kutta method. The motion responses and suspension cable tensions of immerged tunnel element without mooring lines are firstly computed and the numerical results are in good agreement with the experiments. Afterwards, the motion response, suspension cable tensions and mooring line tensions of immerged tunnel element with mooring lines are computed in different wave direction, wave height, wave period and immerge depths. The effects of mooring lines with different configurations on the motion of the immerged tunnel element are discussed.


Year: 2013

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