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Physical and Numerical Modeling of Wave Agitation at Laem Chabang Port, Thailand

Author(s): Paul Knox; Andrew Cornett; Wirat Ongprasert

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Keywords: Numerical Modeling; Physical Modeling; Optimizing Port Layout; Laem Chabang Port; Wave conditions; Coastal engineering 1

Abstract: This paper describes physical and numerical modelling studies undertaken to predict wave conditions within the proposed Phase 3 expansion at Laem Chabang Port, and help optimise the layout of the planned reclamations and the length of the new breakwater. Outputs from the NOAA WAVEWATCH III model were used to estimate the wave conditions offshore of the site, and the CMS-Wave model was employed to simulate the propagation of the offshore waves to the port. The Boussinesq wave model WaveSim was applied to simulate the penetration of irregular directional wind waves into the phase 3 port and predict the wave conditions along the new quays for a range of incident wave conditions approaching from several directions. A three-dimensional 1: 100 scale physical model of the proposed expansion was also constructed and used to optimize the layout of the port. These studies showed that the new breakwater proposed in the master plan could be shortened without compromising operational safety or efficiency within the phase 3 port. A combined approach involving both physical and numerical modelling is recommended as the preferred method for predicting wave conditions in ports and optimizing port layouts.


Year: 2013

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